dyban blog Thoughts on Los Angeles, Media, Politics, World Affairs, and Misc. Commentary

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Rats! (as in, Damn It!)

Burbank’s famed Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant, California State historical point of interest, has been shut down due to a cockroach infestation, KCBS TV Channel 2 reported on the 11 PM news earlier tonight. They said that Bob’s asked the County Health Inspectors to come back out in order to re-evaluate their “B” health rating. That is when the officials shut down the restaurant, making it a very public matter in the process.

KNBC channel 4 reports on their website that it was due to a rat infestation.
Whether it was cockroaches or rats or a cohabitation of both, the couple of times I was there with my Burbank coworkers last year, the food was barely a notch above McDonald’s.


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