dyban blog Thoughts on Los Angeles, Media, Politics, World Affairs, and Misc. Commentary

Monday, May 02, 2005

Register Today

Today, Monday, May 2, 2005, is the last day to register for the May 17 Los Angeles General Runoff Election, in which we choose this great City’s next mayor. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain about city issues for the next four years (yes, I realize this is a bit over-simplified).

If not already registered, your have to register 15 days before an election in the State of California. May 17 minus 15 days is May 2!

The CA Secretary of State says: “You can acquire a voter registration form either at your local county elections office, library, or U.S. Post Office. It is important that the completed voter registration form has a 15-day deadline postmark on it.”

You can even register online, but you must do so today. If you do, bring the card the State will mail you in 7-10 days to your local polling place, which you can find here, on May 17.


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