dyban blog Thoughts on Los Angeles, Media, Politics, World Affairs, and Misc. Commentary

Sunday, May 01, 2005


The one and only way to get through the returns (“Customer Service”) line at any Fry’s Electronic s store, especially the Burbank location, is through inebriation. It is just a little more manageable that way.
--Arrival in line: 6.45 PM.
--For an hour, I got the see the schemers who try to return opened (and most certainly copied) software as unopened (and past the 30 day limit, no less), chicks who try to return nothing but a Palm Pilot thing and a wall charger as a complete return, loose kids running around and screaming in undecipherable languages, white trash customers, etc., etc., etc. And what of the morons who actually work at Fry’s? I am just glad someone is willing to put up with the above-mentioned types.
--Walked out of store: 7.45 PM (officially closed at 7.00).
--Off-topic: Bizet's Carmen is a great bit of fun (thank you, KMZT, on a Sunday night).


fry's sucks dookie.

I used to go to the one in manhattan beach when I lived down there.

I once bought a "new" answering machine (with microcassettes -- yeah, way back in '94, but the story still applies, because their cust. service is still horrible). When I took the unit out of the box, I noticed a coffee drip on the top. When I pulled the microcassettes out of the pastic, and put the tapes in the machine, I noticed one of them wasn't completely rewound. I hit "play" and heard "hi, this is John and Sally, we're not in right now..." Then, I listened to the other cassette, and heard several messages like this: "hi, this is bank of boston visa calling for john smith, we'd like you to call us back at 800-..."

So much for "new". When I returned it and said it was not "new", they did not apologize. I'm sure someone else bought it after they taped the box back up and returned it to the shelf.

I also like how the pitcure of the "Person in Charge" at the front of the store always has some solemn dude that looks like he's gonna kill himself, then you look up, and about ten feet to the side, there's the same dude, in person same facial expression, same "I'm gonna kill myself" deal, staring at you.

When I lived in Manhattan Beach, I said, I'm never going back to this f*&$king place ever again.

Unfortunately, I find myself in the one up here in Palo Alto at least once a month. Why? The Gold Miner motif. When I see the bizarre gold miner mannequins scattered throughout the store, it's like a train wreck. I have to look.

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